We are What We Eat; A Must Watch Video Clip

“Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to it’s liberty and interests by the most lasting bands.”

Thomas Jefferson

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I realize that I’m speaking to the choir, here, but please (please!) watch this short video clip from We are What We Eat, the Movie, and let it light a fire beneath you.  And know this: Big agri-business cares about you only in so far as you can provide them with some small bit of profit.  I’d go so far as to say that that if you were on fire, these money-whores wouldn’t make the effort to piss on you to put you out — unless, of course, they were able to extract a buck from your burnt-crisp body before hand.   We must take back control of our food supply system.  In the same way that stupidity and sheer greed has made a wreck of the world’s financial system, the same mindset will eventually undermine our food supply system — and in the process, wreck the health of millions upon millions, all for the profit-gains of a greedy few.  Don’t think that there aren’t some Bernie Madoff’s in the upper echelons of agri-business?  Think again.  There are few things that I get wildly passionate about — low-lifes attempting to profit at the expense of my and my family’s health is one of them.

Take a good, long look around the WAWWE site, especially the “more clips” section, and become informed on these issues.  We really can make a difference.

Meesus TTP is giving my letter to Congressman Butterfield an editorial once-over before I send it out on Monday.  This particular missive is in opposition to the UDSA’s proposed, insidious, NAIS regulations; I’ve got others in the hopper voicing my opposition to HR 875 and HR 759.  Following this will be the local paper(s) OpEd barrage.  I’ll also attempt to get an OpEd in over at the USA Today.  I’ll post all of these letters here — feel free to plagiarizer them at will, and harass your own congressman, and local paper editors.

In health,
